DMS Delaware Mobile Surf-Fishermen: President's Message
Beach Grass Planting was big success!!!! Thanks to those who volunteered. June 1st TENTH 'Andy & Opie Kid’s Fishing Tournament'.

President's Message

Here is the President's Message as posted in the OCT- DEC 2023 edition of the DMS Newsletter

Seasons Greetings!
I hope you had a wonderful
Thanksgiving holiday!
December means its DMS election
time. It will be year 6 for me as President and
I hope to continue to build on the momentum
the board and officers have created in the club
in advancing and growing the DMS within the
fishing community. We have a couple of new
incoming Directors, welcome aboard, JR
Griffith and Chris Barton. Jim Haug is moving
from the board to 3rd Vice president.
I would also like to thank outgoing 2nd
VP Jeff Stickle and outgoing Director Chris
Ludlow for their service to the club.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Clark Evans
DMS #1

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