DMS Delaware Mobile Surf-Fishermen: Package
Beach Grass Planting was big success!!!! Thanks to those who volunteered. June 1st TENTH 'Andy & Opie Kid’s Fishing Tournament'.

Tournament Package

  1. Registration opens at 1pm- Youth Camp II, Cape Henlopen
  2. Hot dogs, burgers will be hot off the grill by 3pm (BYOB)
  3. Great Raffles valued as high as $1000+ 

New/updated 2023 fishing tournament regulations will be available at check-in.

The Delaware Mobile Surf-Fishermen, Inc. (DMS) invites you to join the 18th Annual DMS Surf-Fishing tournament.

18th Annual fishing locations are Delaware Seashore State Park, north of the Indian River Inlet or at Cape Henlopen State Park.

Highlights include:

§ Over $4000.00 in total cash prizes

§ Cash and trophies to top 3 finishers in Overall and Woman’s Divisions

§ Trophies and prizes to top 3 finishers in Youth Division (15 years of age and under) NEW! All fish score!

§ Optional Bluefish Calcutta for largest bluefish and Kingfish scored (16 years of age and older)

§ Your choice of fishing area on both days!

§ Friday “Meet and Greet” with light refreshments from 5-7pm

§ Post-Tournament gathering prior to Award Ceremony is open to all participants and families

The DMS Invitational is a family friendly event. Entry is $45per adult (16 and older), with an additional $10 for the optional Bluefish Calcutta and $10 optional Kingfish Calcutta.  You must be 16 years or older to enter Calcutta (Parent must sign if under 18 years). Youth entry fee is $25 and includes a rod/reel donated by Rick’s Bait & Tackle.

Former entrants are reserved a spot provided their entry is postmarked no later than Monday, September 18, 2023. All entries must be postmarked by September 13, 2023. Be sure to include a legible e-mail address on your entry in order that we can confirm the receipt of your entry. Check the DMS Website or our Facebook page periodically for Tournament updates. Mail your completed (and signed) application to: DMS Tournament c/o Lydia A. Schmierer- 19077 Beaver Dam Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958

In-person registrations will be accepted on Friday October 6th, between 1pm and 8 PM at Tournament Headquarters located at Youth Camp 2, 14628 Officers Road in Cape Henlopen State Park.

Don’t wait to sign up for a great weekend of fishing, fun and camaraderie! Good luck! See you on the beach! Questions? Email Tournament Chair, Lydia A. Schmierer @ . Include DMS Tourney in the subject line.

Tournament Headquarters: Youth Camp #2, 14628 Officers Road, Cape Henlopen State Park, Lewes, DE

Fishing area Saturday, Oct 5th and Sunday Oct 6th : All surf fishing areas of Cape Henlopen State Park EXCEPT where closed. OSV crossings: Cape Point, Navy Crossing, Herring Point, Gordons Pond. Bathing Beach area is NOT in the competition area. Parking for walk-ons is available at all locations (may require a few minutes’ walk to the beach). Signs will be posted at ends of the fishing area. DO NOT cross the dune other than at authorized crossings. Check Park regulations for 24-hour beach access points.

Designated surf-fishing areas of Delaware Seashore State Park between the Conquest Road Crossing to the Surfing Beach north of the Indian River Inlet. OSV crossings: Conquest Road and Faithful Steward (AKA Savages Ditch). Parking is available for walk-ons at Conquest Road. The 3Rs Road and the Indian River Inlet areas of DSSP are NOT included. Signs will be posted at ends of the fishing area. Do not cross the dune other than at authorized crossings! Check Park regulations for 24-hour beach access points. Fishing times: Saturday, October 7th: 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Sunday, October 8th : 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Overall Division Prizes: (based on a minimum of 200 entrants. If less than 200 entrants, prizes are subject to adjustment. 1st Place Points: $1000.00 and trophy; 2nd Place Points: $750.00 and trophy; 3rd Place Points: $500.00 and trophy 4th- TBD. Prizes Largest fish (any scoring species except BLUE FISH) of the Tournament: $750.00

Woman’s Division: Bonus prizes to be awarded to female anglers. NEW 2019! Winners are eligible for prizes in the overall division if they declare entry into overall by 12 noon Sunday. 1st Place Points: $300.00 and trophy; 2nd Place Points: $225.00 and trophy; 3rd Place Points: $200.00 and trophy.

Youth Division: (15 years of age and under): 1st, 2nd and 3rd place points: trophy and prize. DMS will recognize session winners for both days.

Calcutta: Largest bluefish. $10 entry fee required. 100% paid back to winner. Largest Kingfish. $10 entry fee required. 100% paid back to winner  Must be 16 years to enter with Parent’s consent and signature.

Registration: Limited to the first 350 entries. Entries by mail or at check-in will be accepted only if the 350-angler limit has not been reached. Registration fees are refundable ONLY IF the Tournament is canceled for any reason.

Check-in: All entrants must check in at Tournament Headquarters to pick up their entry packet. If you have someone else picking up packet, please notify via email

Check-in is open Friday, October 6, 2023 from 1pm to 8:00 PM, and Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 5:30 AM to 7:00 AM.

Awards: Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 3:00pm PM. Awards will be presented at Tournament Headquarters.

Rules: Must be registered. No more than 2 rods, each equipped with not more than 2 hooks, may be fished at one time. Artificial lures and baits are permitted as manufactured. No limits on line type, sinkers or baits. No fishing other than in designated areas and during Tournament hours. Anglers must bait, cast and retrieve their own lines. Balloon rigs and kayaks are prohibited. All fish must be caught on hook and line and beached. Anglers must remove their own fish. Children may be assisted in un-hooking fish. All fish score 1-point release. Measured to closest ¼ inch. Under- sized fish should be released alive. All anglers must be in compliance with Delaware fishing license regulations. Licenses are available at most tackle shops and online. All participants are required to produce proof of a valid DE fishing license. All OSV vehicles must display a Delaware Surf Fishing Permit and carry required equipment. A 3-day Permit will be available at Tournament Headquarters for an additional fee. DMS requires notification at registration if a 3-day permit is requested.


Scoring: We encourage the live release of all fish. Scoring fish species, minimum sizes and point values TBA in Tournament Handbook. Fish are scored to the entrant who catches them. Judges will be available to score fish. Winners determined by total points accumulated. Head Judge will resolve all disputes. Fish will be measured to the nearest ¼ inch, rounded down. Points are scored for total length of fish (snout to tail), one point per full inch rounded down. No partial points. One additional point awarded for a witnessed (by a judge) live release. Fish to be kept will have a section of tail removed. Tiebreaker for most points: 1st – most fish; 2nd- largest fish. If still tied, prize money will be divided. Each Angler is responsible for their score sheets. Score sheets must be turned in no later than 30 minutes after close of fishing. Note: for your convenience, judges will be collecting score sheets on the beach and at the off ramps for 30 minutes after closing of fishing. Score sheets turned in late will not be scored. Saturday score sheets turned in on Sunday will not be scored.

Any questions should be addressed to Tournament Committee and Head Judge

17th Annual DMS Invitational Surf-Fishing Tournament (10/6-10/8/23)

Deadline 9/18/23 to Mail in entry Please print clearly and sign below

NAME _____________________________________________ Sex________ AGE (if under 18)_______

STREET ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP________________________________________ Cell#________________________


Bluefish Calcutta? Y___ N___ Kingfish Calcutta? Y_____ N_____

NAME _____________________________________________ Sex________ AGE (if under 18)_______

STREET ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP________________________________________ Cell#________________________


Bluefish Calcutta? Y___ N___ Kingfish Calcutta? Y_____ N_____

ENTRY FEES: Total (16 and older) _____ @ $45.00 each

Total Bluefish Calcutta entrants _____ @ $10.00 each (must be 16 or older)

Total Kingfish Calcutta entrants _____ @ $10.00 each (must be 16 or older)

Total Youth (15 and under) _____@$25.00 each *includes rod/reel

Make checks payable to “DMS” _________ Total Due

Return to: DMS Invitational 19077 Beaver Dam Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958

In consideration of this entry, I waive any and all claims for myself and my heirs against officials and sponsors of this Tournament for any injury or illness which may directly or indirectly result from my participation. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to participate. By signing this entry, I acknowledge I have read the rules and will comply will all rules and regulations of the Tournament. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Minors age 16 or older are eligible for cash prizes with parental signature attached.

Signature entrant #1_________________________________________________________________

Signature entrant #2_________________________________________________________________


Questions? Email: Lydia A. Schmierer:

© 2025 DMS Delaware Mobile Surf-Fishermen ~ All Rights Reserved (0.015)